
> rbb         01/07/14 15:31:38
>   Modified:    include  apr_pools.h
>                memory/unix apr_pools.c
>   Log:
>   Add a new function to be able to cancel a child cleanup.  This is
>   necessary for some other work I am doing.

I wanted to open up the discussion on cleanups, but seeing this commit
triggers me to do it now.

In SMS we tried to make cleanups more generic. It isn't perfect yet,
but there is a good starting point. What we basically want to do is
register cleanups by type. This superseeds the concept of child and
general cleanups, which are just types. Everything registered as
general is cleaned up at reset and/or destroy.

Can you please take a quick look at the sms cleanups and tell me
what you think (as a starting point).


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