Marc was right about the multi-language thing...  Howvere, here are some
more results to ponder..

Did a profile run of 1000 and 2000 against a new copy of index.html.en in a
seperate directory and renamed to simply index.html.  Both runs used a
single process and a single thread...

Results are for top 50 calls by time spent (not shown) showing how often
they were called during the 1000 requests difference between the 1st and 2nd
runs, hopefully removing the setup calls, and also how often they were
called per request!

Do we really need to call apr_pcalloc 27 times and apr_palloc 86 (113 - 27)
times to server a simple 1400 byte file?  I'll have to look at why we call
apr_os_thread_current so often butthat doesn't look right for just 4 calls
to apr_lock_acquire and apr_lock_release does it?

BTW, if this is more use on new-httpd then please post it there as I won't
be checking my email very often for a few weeks :)


- apr_poll 1000 1
- apr_wait_for_io_or_timeout 1000 1
- apr_stat 1000 1
- apr_file_open 1000 1
- apr_accept 1000 1
- apr_file_read 1000 1
- socket_cleanup 1000 1
- apr_shutdown 1000 1
- apr_sendv 1000 1
- apr_lock_acquire 4002 4.002
- apr_os_thread_current 12006 12.006
- apr_palloc 113000 113
- apr_lock_release 4002 4.002
- apr_file_write 1000 1
- explode_time 3000 3
- apr_unix_file_cleanup 1000 1
- apr_pcalloc 27000 27
- apr_recv 2000 2
- apr_pstrcat 12000 12
- apr_send 1000 1
- _unlock 4002 4.002
- _lock 4002 4.002
- ap_get_module_config 51000 51
- directory_walk 1000 1
- apr_table_get 23000 23
- apr_pstrdup 13000 13
- apr_vformatter 2000 2
- ap_getline 5000 5
- apr_file_gets 0 0
- sononblock 1000 1
- process_item 14000 14
- config_log_transaction 1000 1
- apr_brigade_write 10000 10
- get_local_addr 1000 1
- form_header_field 8000 8
- apr_brigade_cleanup 7000 7
- add_any_filter 6000 6
- heap_destroy 7000 7
- ap_http_filter 5000 5
- pcre_exec 7000 7
- process_request_internal 1000 1
- core_output_filter 4000 4
- apr_brigade_create 7000 7
- default_handler 1000 1
- regexec 7000 7
- apr_off_t_toa 3000 3
- apr_table_make 7000 7
- get_mime_headers 1000 1
- ap_pass_brigade 7000 7

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