> dreid       01/08/31 02:47:53
>   Modified:    srclib   Makefile.in
>                .        configure.in Makefile.in
>   Log:
>   With my normal sense of missing the boat :)
>   This gets the build working on BeOS again :)  Apologies for the delay :(
>   Jeff changed the order of apr-util and apr to solve a "cleaning" issue but
>   that makes me uncomfortable as apr-util is dependant on apr, so if we clean
>   apr-util we shouldn't be altering anything in apr.  If I decide to rebuild
>   apr-util then apr should still be buildable.  Sorry Jeff but I think we need
>   a different solution :(

Cleaning is extremely important :)  It is mandatory to get a proper build
anywhere.  (Okay, the only real reason I care is that it keeps a
stream of e-mails from hitting my inbox.)

I think that the issue is that on BeOS apr-util is dependent on apr in
a way that it isn't anywhere else (i.e., apr libraries have to be
build before apr-util libraries only on BeOS).

If this can't be avoided due to some BeOS limitation then the makefiles
have to become a little more complicated so that 

1) there is a different order for make vs. make *clean


2) apr-util copies apr's rules.mk to one of its own directories to
   remove the *clean dependency on apr (I don't know if this is the
   only apr file in this category)

   apr-util's makefiles would include its copy, apr-util's makefiles
   would remove it during *clean

Actually, #2 seems pretty simple.

Comments anyone?

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP public key at web site:
             Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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