On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 10:32:45AM -0500, Bill Stoddard wrote:
> This patch is a first rough implementation of a socket iol in APR (from 
> discussions with
> Sander Striker a few months back).
> Public API Changes:
> No new APIs were created.
> apr_socket_create() has an extra parameter, a pointer to an apr_socket_iol_t.
> New Public Structures:
> apr_socket_iol_t - contains pointers to callback functions.
> Usage:
> If you do not want to redirect socket calls and just use existing APR calls, 
> use
> apr_socket_create() thusly:
> apr_socket_create(&new_sock, APR_INET, SOCKSTREAM, NULL, r->pool);

I thought we were trying to move away from function pointers because
people thought they were slow.  Could/should we create a parallel API
for this instead?  -- justin

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