On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 01:43:28PM -0800, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 01:12:20PM -0800, Jon Travis wrote:
> > When trying to link a simple program using apr-util using libtool, I
> > get numerous errors about gdbm (and db) functions not being found.  
> > It turns out that libaprutil.la's dependency_libs variable doesn't
> > contain a bunch of needed stuff (such as -lgdbm -ldb, etc.)  apr-util
> > obviously knows about this, as it substitutes them correctly into
> > APRUTIL_EXPORT_LIBS in export_vars.sh.  Is there a reason we aren't 
> > doing a -lstuff when creating the libtool archive?  This used to work.
> AIX doesn't support inter-library dependencies with libtool.  We 
> tried this and had to back it out.  I'm waiting for Jeff to give
> us a go-ahead (since he vetoed it last time).  IIRC, before the 
> vacations started, he was playing with libtool on AIX.  So, we
> may make progress on this soonish.  -- justin

Hrmm -- it'd be nice to have.  Break all platforms just to fix AIX? ;-)

-- Jon

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