On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

> I like Justin's suggestion: a generic function that removes all cleanups
> registered for a given object.
> In fact, we could even do this by overloading apr_pool_cleanup_kill() to
> allow NULL as the cleanup pointer, where NULL means "unregister all cleanups
> that match this object."

It could help in this case, but watch out though; when the cleanup gets
called, we have little to no time left before the apr_foo_t itself goes
away and we lose access to whatever resource it represented.  In some
cases we can make assumptions based on our knowledge of how pool cleanups
work internally, but especially with the changes proposed for
apr_allocator_* to have a freelist size limit and so forth, we could get
ourselves into trouble easily with a feature like this.


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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