I'm assuming this was meant for the whole list.  :)

From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PATCH 3] example binary BUSEC for discussion

At 02:18 PM 7/11/2002, you wrote:
At 02:49 PM 07/11/2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
The code follows, patch attached is hard to follow. [Like my code isn't :o]

/* Number of binary microseconds per second is (2^20)
 * to keep the math fast and simple [binary arithmetic.]
#define APR_BUSEC_BITS 20

Thanks, but (2 ^ APR_BUSEC_BITS) is 22 (^ is XOR). You want 1 << APR_BUSEC_BITS.

Shoot. [Bang.]

Can everyone playing make this fix themselves for a little bit?

I have one patch to write for the guts of NT (which plays in 100ns time
units) to mirror the new patch. I'll post both together a bit later.


-- Greg Marr [EMAIL PROTECTED] "We thought you were dead." "I was, but I'm better now." - Sheridan, "The Summoning"

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