Karl Fogel wrote:

Branko Äibej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Karl, about the file name conversions in Subversion: remember what I
said about APR using UTF-8 file names directly on some platforms?
Well, the conversions in SVN should probably be coded like this:

Yeah, remember that. But does the platform-specific conditional code have to go in Subversion? I understand that APR rightly shouldn't do any conversion here, since the output would be the same as the input, but perhaps APR could somehow signal this fact back? (The fact that no conversion is necessary, that is). After all, it is our portability layer... Then Subversion, on receiving this signal, could simply dup the input in the right pool and return it, without having any platform-specific tests in its own code.

We'd have to add some kind of predicate into APR that lets us check for that. Something like this, implemented in the platform-specific filepath.c:

APR_DECLARE(int) apr_filepath_is_utf8 (void);

The Unix implementation (and probably most others) would just return 0. On Windows, it would be

APR_DECLARE(int) apr_filepath_is_utf8 (void)
       return 1;
       return 0;

and the conversions would become, e.g.,

   char *utf8_filename = (something);
   char *native_filename;
   if (apr_filepath_is_utf8())
      native_filename = apr_pstrdup(pool, utf8_filename);
     native_filename = convert_utf8_to_locale_charset(utf8_filename);

(Btw we *do* have to dup into the right pool, can't just assign back,
as Marcus and I learned the hard way :-) ).

Bang? Crash? Clobber, even? :-)

BTW; I just noticed that the apr_filepath_* functions on Windows can potentially fail horribly if the paths are not UTF-8 (so, not IF_WIN_OS_IS_UNICODE) and the locale uses Shift-JIS, because '\' can be the second byte in a SJIS doublebyte char. Talk about fun.

Brane Äibej   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/

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