I run an old linux box in my basement that firewalls the ADSL & runs the house network & has an apache for some very low volume family domains. I got a ton of virtual hosts set up and the apache that came with the SuSe of late 2000 was getting weird and messing up the vhosts and probably is a security risk, so I grabbed 2.0.39 today and got it going.

What's amusing is, this is an old P100 (no, that's not a typo). Type ./configure --prefix whatever and go for a coffee. Then type make and go for lunch and a shower. I swear between apr and apr-util and httpd it must have spent a solid minute just on the iconv guesswork in configure. Mind you, the box *runs* 2.0.39 just fine. Snicker. I wonder if I now have the record for the oldest/slowest computer ever to build apache2. -Tim

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