> Glancing through apr-util/xlate/xlate.c, I see tests and uses of both
> APU_HAVE_APR_ICONV and APU_HAS_APR_ICONV.  I'm not aware of the
> conventions in place for choosing HAVE vs. HAS -- can someone fill me
> in here?  Or, if no such conventions exist, are just there bugs in
> that code?

I should point out that this discrepancy is actually causing a problem
right now, too: Under Win32, apr-util/xlate/xlate.c:apr_xlate_open()
fails.  Its using the apr_iconv library, but it tests


...which is unset in the Windows build, because only
APU_HAVE_APR_ICONV is defined.  So needed code never gets compiled.


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