On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 02:20:27PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> Which is exactly why we should table the time discussion until
> we have a versioning system *enforced*.
> Aaron has explicitly veto'd any changes to apr_time_t that cause
> broken binary compatibility (i.e. changing the meaning of
> apr_time_t but not the API).  Whether I agree or disagree doesn't
> matter.  It's a valid veto and I've spent too much time arguing
> (and then agreeing) with Aaron about this.
> The one thing we agreed upon was that if we have the versioning in
> place, then we can do whatever we want to apr_time_t since the app
> has a way of knowing that binary compatibility isn't met.
> So, let's get versioning enforced, and then we have a mechanism for
> breaking (or enhancing) apr_time_t.  And, at this point, I don't
> care much what happens to apr_time_t.  My only requirement is that
> if it changes and we don't bust the API, then we have to bump the
> version.  -- justin

Thank you and well said: Huge +1


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