My comments inline:

On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 02:53:03PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> There are currently two possible avenues.
> 1)  The code goes into apr-util.
> 2)  The code goes into a sandbox project.
> The APR option is faster, but there is some misgivings about whether it
> belongs in apr-util.  The vote was done, and it seems to be accepted, but
> Greg was keeping tally, so I don't have the exact numbers about where it
> would go.  I _think_, and I could be wrong, that it would be put in
> apr-util/html as a separate piece of apr-util.
> The second option will take a bit longer, because the sandbox project will
> need to be created first.
> I have tried to answer without letting any of my personal opinions show in
> the message, because that has caused some problems before.  The real
> question now, is given those two options, which would you prefer.  Not
> saying that your preference is the only factor i the decision, but it
> should be taken into account.

Either one is fine to me.  Integrating the code into apr-util is probably
an easier setup, but will require more work to adapt to the build system
and change the symbols (and of course I'm quite liking the name 
'el-kabong' ;-)).

> There are also some people questioning why we are moving so quickly on
> this.  The general feeling is that we should find the best fit before
> taking the code.  If you are in a rush, then that would change things, but
> the understanding was just that you wanted to be kept in the loop about
> what is happening.
> Keep pinging, but the conversation is on-going, and very active, so there
> is little chance that it won't happen.  It is really just a matter of time
> now.
> Ryan

I'm not in a rush, I just like to know where things stand.  Since this
discussion is seemingly happening off-list, I can't differentiate between
no discussion or a heated one.  I'd prefer this to be on-list, as I 
think it does affect the users of APR, and it would allow me to monitor
the progress here.

-- Jon

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