On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 11:15:48AM -0400, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
> > What community of developers within the ASF, within the httpd project,
> > needs this functionality today ?
> Aaron raised the same question.  I think it's a nonsensical question
> to ask.  What does it matter whether another ASF project *needs*
> this?  You shouldn't be able to drive a sports car, Dirk, because
> you don't *need* to go faster than 65mph.
> IMNSHO, 'need' is NOT an acceptable metric.  'Usefulness' is.

The need definately doesn't need to come from an ASF project. Also, it
should not only be "useful", which is subjective, but actually "used",
which is objective. That's one of the the fuzzy lines I draw between
sourceforge and the ASF.


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