On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 08:23:48PM +0200, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> Hi.
> I wonder what 3rd party modules works for apache2? I have packed:
> mod_auth_external v2.2.1
> mod_auth_kerb v4.11
> mod_auth_mysql v1.11
> mod_auth_pgsql v0.9.12
> mod_auth_radius v1.7PR1
> mod_random v2.0
> mod_roaming- v2.0.0
> mod_rpaf v0.4
> mod_ruby v0.9.9
> mod_smbauth v1.4.2
> mod_v2h v2.0
> ... for Mandrake Linux 9.0, and these seems to work. I would appreciate a tip 
> with some more modules that I can package. You can mail me off list if this 
> is too OT for this list, all hints are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I think you might want to ask on the modules list (I can't remember the
list address off the top of my head now, sorry). I am working on a 2.0
version of another module of mine and I'll send you a mail when it's done.

There's no mod_log_*sql modules for 2.0 yet?

  Thomas Eibner <http://thomas.eibner.dk/> DnsZone <http://dnszone.org/>
  mod_pointer <http://stderr.net/mod_pointer> <http://photos.eibner.dk/>
  !(C)<http://copywrong.dk/>                  <http://apachegallery.dk/>
          Putting the HEST in .COM <http://www.hestdesign.com/>

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