William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

At 02:03 PM 1/30/2003, Jeff Trawick wrote:

wrowe wrote:

Finally, it looks like apr_proc_other_child_read is the function we
*really* wanted
to use within the health check. But it seems all of these
functions are really misdocumented within APR. Would someone step up and
spell out exactly what they are *supposed* to be doing within unix,
and then we
can discuss how to make them portable to Win32?

apr_proc_other_child_read() is called when the monitor (e.g., MPM) knows that a process has died; it passes the apr_proc_t describing the dead process to apr_proc_other_child_read(), and if that dead process was a registered "other child", then the maintenance function for that other child is called with APR_OC_REASON_DEATH

Good, we agree on what this function is doing.

sounds pretty hokey to me; maybe apr_proc_wait() could call the maintenance function automatically if a newly-deceased process was registered as "other child"

I'm simply thinking of renaming it apr_proc_other_child_died() and documenting
it correctly. Step two is determining how I can then identify and report that
case in the WinNT MPM, or automagically as a callback.

What's wrong with MPMs polling OCs? Simple, efficient, effective and has served httpd 1.3 well. Let's not biggie size. I -hate- biggie size when a simpler solution is just as effective.


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