> From: Ben Laurie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:58 PM

> ISTR Ben Hyde ranting to me about how this isn't strictly true... in 
> particular, if you do this:
> 1. Register cleanup 1 in pool A
> 2. Make subpool B in A
> 3. Register cleanup 2 in B
> 4. Register cleanup 3 in A
> 5. Register cleanup 4 in B
> then destroy A, the order of cleanups is 3,4,2,1.


No, the order is 4,2 3,1.

When A gets destroyed the following happens:

  A destroys subpools (B)
      B gets destroyed
        destroys subpools(none)
        runs cleanups (4,2)
    runs cleanus (3,1)

> It seems to me it would be good to fix this.

It doesn't seem broken to me.


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