Branko Äibej wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

Hmm, now I see why apr_generate_random_bytes is not exported on AIX.
For some reason I was checking apr.exp on linux and thought it was
just a bug in older apr versions that apr_generate_random_bytes wasn't
exported. my bad. So we have:

APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_generate_random_bytes(unsigned char * buf,
                                                   apr_size_t length);

I thought that apr_ namespace includes only functions available on all
supported platforms. Is that a wrong assumption?

Yup. There's no apr_fork on Windows, for instance.

mod_perl's APR Perl API doesn't provides a glue for this one, because perl already provides fork() which works on all platforms, including win32.

it looks that one of the linking problems that I had with libapr was
due to this issue. one of the mod_perl libs provided a perl glue for
this function, but the function wasn't available on AIX.

How this situation should be handled? Should we drop the provision of
the perl glue for this function, as it might be unavailable?

I'd say that's mod_perl's problem. It should check APR_HAS_RANDOM.

It is, I just wasn't aware of it till I started to port mod_perl build on AIX. That's what happening when you develop and test things on a platform which happens to support everything (linux) ;)

Are there other apr_ functions that are subject to availability?

Off the top ot my head: APR_HAS_FORK, APR_HAS_THREADS. Possibly others.

APR_HAS_THREADS is a bit different, since it's needed to support the threaded mpms. So we do check for it.

However in the case of APR_HAS_RANDOM we will simply drop apr_generate_random_bytes from the APR:: Perl API, because mod_perl code should work everywhere unconditionally, just like Perl does. A true write once run anywhere ;)

Thank you Branko!

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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