On Nov 16, 2003, at 12:05 PM, Jeff Trawick wrote:

this will resolve two types of problems:

1) all implementations will then be required to use a single set of function prototypes, avoiding some problems we've had getting all platform logic to agree on what the prototype should be

2) allow bug fixes to atomic code without rebuilding applications

awaiting your comments :)


While there are technically good reasons to require that all of
these functions be inlined (like the increased probability that
an atomic_cas based spinlock will fail and have to retry if there's
a function call in the critical path),  removing the inlining will make
it easier for people who distribute builds of APR to actually take
advantage of the nonportable implementations--e.g., by providing
a single copy of apr_atomic.h and different versions of libapr.so for
i386 (with the slow implementation) and i686 (with the fast


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