--On Monday, February 23, 2004 5:04 PM -0800 Greg Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Same here, but would love to have my understanding corrected, if it is a

Well, if we believe the AL v2.0 is GPL-compatible, then this is a moot point, I believe. We're not distributing GDBM (which would be against ASF policy), but our license *is* GPL-compatible (mainly because we say it is). However, AIUI, note that when GDBM is linked in, *all* of httpd falls under the GPL. *shrug*

/me waits for Roy's cluebat of wisdom (+1000) to descend upon me

My head hurts thinking about this. And, I could very well be wrong. But, I wouldn't remove the code from our repository just yet. -- justin

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