The prototype for apr_ldap_info() in apr_ldap_init.c is missing.  It
needs to be added to apr_ldap_init.h


Brad Nicholes
Senior Software Engineer
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net business solutions 

>>> Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tuesday, August 03, 2004 7:03:36
PM >>>
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

> No - the most important bit is to start hiding the details in
> and quit publicizing the sdk versions, define mapping wrappers, etc.
> Once everything that aprutil-1 elects to do is hidden inside,
> and the interface is always the same (no matter which linkage), then
> we have 1. defined binary compatibility, and 2. stuck to it :)

apr_ldap_compat is gone, support for old LDAP SDK v2.0 has been

The macro that resolved to ldap_parse_url has been dropped and replaced

with code that parses URLs ourselves the same way on all platforms, 
allocating memory from pools. All the *free methods have been dropped.

The httpd mod_auth_ldap and mod_ldap modules have been updated to use 
the new functions, there are no more toolkit specific defines used 
anywhere in httpd (unless I missed one).

If you could double check the stuff that is there now to confirm that 
all the fooness is dead, I would be grateful.


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