At 07:20 AM 9/23/2004, Mladen Turk wrote:
Is there any reason why apr, apr-util, httpd mailing lists have Reply-To header set to the sender and not to the list itself. I think almost all other lists has the 'Replay-To' header set to the list itself. I mean, I'm receiving the messages from the list and not from the particular poster, so I should reply to the list, right?

Search for
reply-to considered harmful
on Google and you'll find more information than you ever wanted to read about both sides of the issue.

I found myself couple of times replying to the original sender by default, while my intention was to reply to the list. The solution is either to 'reply to all' (why would anyone wish to receive two messages about the same subject?) or doing that by hand.

The big question is which is worse, sending a message to the list when your intention was to send it to a single person, sending a message to a single person when your intention was to send it to the list. You'll find large numbers of people on each side.

Some mailing list software is smart enough to not send an extra copy to members that will be receiving it directly.

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