I realise I didn't attend the BOF but believe there was talk about adding export data. The initial suggestion I saw was for an old fashioned clunking system that just seems so 1990's, so I'm proposing a slightly newer 2001-2002 model - following the rough outline of projects.a.o whereby each project maintains their own file and they are aggregated as required. This model seems to have obvious relations to the way the asf is structured and most people seem happy with it. It has the other advantage of allowing a body (such as legal) to control the output and niceties of formatting while the project simply concerns itself with it's data.

Taking what I said earlier, and the words of Roy, I've created the attached. The sample RDF file is just that, a sample and only an initial pass. I'm sure it doesn't have all the info we need nor will it be the final result. Feel free to comment and develop :-)

Also attached are 2 xslt stylesheets that will transform the rdf file into an html page (not pretty, but functional) and the email text that Justin posted earlier and indicated would be required.

I think we should look at moving this away from incorporating the details of dependencies (as done in the sample for openssl) as I suspect we will have much duplication. In fact I think that if this approach is seen as worthwhile we should try and pursue developing this into a universal standard, that way each project can simply maintain their own files and link to the others - very Semantic Web :-)

Just to be clear, I think we should have a set of files for projects/libs we depend upon that are maintained by ourselves (in the short term) and all the details in the file move there - replaced by a link. This will keep the duplication to a minimum and reduce our problems of maintenance.

These are very much an initial pass at this and I haven't spent long on it (it'll show I'm sure) but it won't be hard to develop. If people feel this is the way to go then maybe site-dev is the right place to move the development? *shrug*

Title: Export Controlled Technologies used by Apache Portable Runtime

Export Controlled Technologies used by Apache Portable Runtime

The following list details the use of export controlled technologies within the component parts of the Apache Portable Runtime Project.

Apache Portable Runtime Core Library (APR)

Does not use any controlled technologies.

Apache Portable Runtime Iconv Library (APR-Iconv)

Does not use any controlled technologies.

Apache Portable Runtime Utilities Library (Apr-Util)

Source Location: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr-util/

Binary Download URL: http://www.apache.org/dist/apr

This component has an optional dependancy on OpenSSL Cryptographical Library.

Source Location: http://www.openssl.org/source/

Attachment: apr_bis.rdf
Description: application/rdf

Attachment: bis2html.xsl
Description: application/xslt

Attachment: bis2TSU.xsl
Description: application/xslt

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