On 1/3/07, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here on the list and at every hackathon/ApacheCon for the last few years.

Searching body text of the history for 'merge apr' or 'combine apr' yields
no results, pointer please.  Undocumented hackathon discussions are not
valid citations.

I didn't say they were decisions (which need to be made on-list), but
discussions.  *shrug*

>> Now - I thought the public discussion lists were moving twords disolving
>> APR-util into smaller libraries, dependent on specific features that
>> wouldn't swallow the entire world of unnecessary library functionality
>> into every runtime?
> That's part of the discussions that have been here on list, but
> frankly, I've never seen anyone say how a dynamic APR would work
> reliably.  In fact, I think the eventual consensus was that
> splitting-off approach could never work at all.

Where is that documented?

http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/apr-dev/200608.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's how I interpreted the outcome of that thread.

Please don't start a thread on "Our agreed way to ..." when in fact there's
no documented technical discussion, and start a fresh thread to attempt to
argue that svn or log4cxx really needs to load libldap/liblber.

They load them today, so your argument that we must prevent that in
2.0 is bollocks.  Frankly, the idea that APR is used without APR-util
is not supported by any actual evidence.  IMHO, it'd make everyone's
life far simpler if we faced reality and combine them into one
library.  -- justin

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