William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
> Branko Čibej wrote:
>> Paul Querna wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:05 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.
>>> <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
>>>> Should apr_initialize and friends be programmed to go 'bang' and drop out
>>>> with a stderr emit, if compiled against a x.y.0-dev release and run against
>>>> x.y.*[1-9]?  Or, at least a stderr warning at initialization time?
>>>> Seems like a simple, sensible fix.
>>> No, APR is a library, it has no ownership over stderr/stdout.
>> OK, stderr isn't a good idea, but APR can abort, right.
> Well, if not stderr, then what?  In this context (startup) stderr has a well
> defined meaning.  I have no problem with my versions for HP/UX hacked with
> the [rejected] patch to allow HP libdld to emit a sensible message about what
> function could not be resolved by apr_dso().  There is no way to ask HP/UX
> for the contents of that message programatically.  And by jove, libdld is ...
> wait for it ... a library!  :)
> So for APR 2 I can see an optional behavior to allow/prohibit emitting any
> messages to stderr.  That would cover both Paul's and other use cases.
> And apr_initialize() could certainly return APR_SUCCESS or a failure code
> that maps to 'wrong apr version' or some such, at APR 2.0.
> But abort() seems too unilateral, let the app author decide how pedantic
> to be, or how to exit gracefully, if there is no indication of what exactly
> was the problem?

How is aborting on memory allocation failure any different from aborting
on version mismatch? As for indication of failure -- by zeus, if
inspecting a core dump doesn't help, then nothing will. :) Especially if
we document that an abort in apr-initialize most likely means you
diddled with your library versions.

(And maybe it's just me, but I prefer debugging a consistent abort on
start-up than a random abort because of ABI mismatch).

-- Brane

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