On 17.06.2013 16:57, Jeff Trawick wrote:
> Tarballs/zipfiles are at http://apr.apache.org/dev/dist/
> Shortcuts to CHANGES:
> http://apr.apache.org/dev/dist/CHANGES-1.4
> <http://apr.apache.org/dev/dist/CHANGES-1.4>
> http://apr.apache.org/dev/dist/CHANGES-1.4.
> <http://apr.apache.org/dev/dist/CHANGES-1.4.7>8
> autoconf version: 2.69 (same as apr-util 1.5.2)
> libtool version: 2.4.2 (same as apr-util 1.5.2)
> +/-1
> [+1] Release APR 1.4.8 as GA

Detailed test results:

- files signed, checksums correct

- svn compared with gz, bz2 and zip only minor differences
  (libtool m4 files in gz and bz2, which seem to not get
   cleaned up by buildconf)

- I built and made check on the following platforms:
  - Solaris 8 Sparc, gcc 4.1.2
  - Solaris 10 Sparc, gcc 4.7.2
  - SuSE Linux Enterprise 10 32, 10 and 11 64 Bit
  - RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6, 64 Bit

- all builds succeeded

- all "make check" ran fine
  (except for binding to ::1 on Solaris with only IPv4 active,
   not a regression).

- tests succeed for apr-util 1.5.2 and 1.5.x head on top of apr 1.4.8
  for all of the above platforms (all observed test failures
  are old and not related to the new version).

- httpd test framework shows no failure for httpd 2.4.x head
  and also httpd trunk using apr/apu 1.4.8/1.5.2
  and also 1.4.8/1.5.x(head) on all platforms
  (all observed test failures are old or not related to
  the new apr version).
  I couldn't get simple to run the test suite though,
  but I haven't tried that since a long time.



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