On 04/20/2017 09:03 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-04-19 at 13:43 -0500, William A Rowe Jr wrote:
>> With patches now accounted for I can pre-test and report back today on
>> AIX, HPUX and propose a fix to silence the win32 32 -> 16 bit warnings
>> (after division is done.)
> Excellent.  I look forward to your findings.
>> But my inclination is to defer this new feature to a later 1.7+2.0
>> release. Shipping a feature that devs would expect to need when it may
>> be largely unavailable seems a disservice to our end users and these
>> devs.
> I'd be fine with that.  Or with the intermediate solution of
> switching from a --disable to a --enable option so it's
> disabled by default but minimal change to enable in 1.6.later.
> Anyone else have strong views?

No strong view, but if we defer to 1.7.x or 2.0, we are still free to do API 
changes or behavior changes
if it turns out that they are needed. If we are confident that the API contract 
is stable as such and
that we just need to fix bugs in the implementation on these platforms then go 
with 1.6.x with a default of off.



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