On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 11:12:25AM +0000, Michael Schlenker wrote:
> Hi,
> just filed https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=63271
> (Patch attached)
> It seems to be the reason behind various crashes/restarts seen in Apache 
> httpd on Windows, especially when mod_cache_disk is in use.
> Basically when the mutex is cleaned up twice, it calls CloseHandle() on 
> uninitialized memory, which causes First Chance Exceptions in the debugger
> (if invalid handle) or closes some random Handle behind the back of its real 
> owner (e.g. internal handles of the userspace leading to access violations 
> inside CreateProcess,
> httpd Events used to signal between parent and child, etc.).
> It would be great if this could make it into 1.7.
> Thanks,
>      Michael

You're right that acting on a corrupt memory is bad.

It looks like your proposed patch detects and then skips a redundant
call to DeleteCriticalSection() when a mutex is unlocked twice:

     if (lock->type == thread_mutex_critical_section) {
         lock->type = -1;
+    } 
+    else if (lock->type == -1) {
+      /* do nothing */

I'd prefer thread_mutex_cleanup() to loudly complain when this happens,
and perhaps even abort the program, forcing API users to fix their code.

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