I would like to ask about openssl version supported in build on windows for APR 
(apr-1.6.5 and apr-util-1.6.1). I see that in  file apr_crypto_openssl.dsp 
there is line as:

# ADD BASE LINK32 .... libeay32.lib ssleay32.lib /libpath:..\..\openssl\out32dll

In my build I use FireDaemon OpenSSL 1.1.1d Binary Distribution from 
and try to build Apache Serf:
1. in version 1.3.9 I get errors connected with link ERR_load_crypto_strings / 
SSL_load_error_strings and others.
2. in version 1.4.x (which is declared as working with openssl 1.1 I don't get 
this errors as above.

I see that apr_crypto_openssl.c file in APR is using ERR_load_crypto_strings as 
Apache Serf 1.3.9 which is not fully working with openssl 1.1 as described here 

So I try to build fully functional Apache Serf and don't want to have some 
strange behaviour.


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