Hi there,

"make check" für current APR trunk fails in testxml when used with libxml2:

  testxml :  Line 298: expected <20014>, but saw <73>

73 probably cpomes from here:

  include/libxml2/libxml/xmlerror.h:    XML_ERR_GT_REQUIRED, /* 73 */

and the 20014 is the expected APR_EGENERAL.

The expat implementation contains in xml/apr_xml_expat.c:

 45 static apr_status_t do_parse(apr_xml_parser *parser,
 46                              const char *data, apr_size_t len,
 47                              int is_final)
 48 {
 53         int rv = XML_Parse(parser->xp, data, (int)len, is_final);
 55         if (rv == 0) {
 56             parser->error = APR_XML_ERROR_EXPAT;
 59         }
 60     }
 62     /* ### better error code? */
 63     return parser->error ? APR_EGENERAL : APR_SUCCESS;
 64 }
 67 static XMLParserImpl xml_parser_expat = {
 68     do_parse,
 69     cleanup_parser
 70 };

For libxml2 we have in xml/apr_xml_libxml2.c:

 39 static int libxml2_parse(apr_xml_parser* parser, const char* data,
 40                          apr_size_t sz, int final)
 41 {
 42     parser->xp_err = xmlParseChunk(parser->xp, data, sz, final);
 43     if (parser->xp_err != 0) {
 44         xmlErrorPtr errptr = xmlCtxtGetLastError(parser->xp);
 45         parser->xp_msg = errptr->message;
 46         /* this misnomer is used as a test for (any) parser error. */
 47         parser->error = APR_XML_ERROR_EXPAT;
 48     }
 49     return parser->xp_err;
 50 }
 51 static XMLParserImpl xml_parser_libxml2 = {
 52     libxml2_parse,
 53     cleanup_parser
 54 };

So the libxml2 implementation returns native libxml2 error codes, the expat impl returns APR error codes. Since in the xml interface the declaration is

apr_status_t (*Parse)(apr_xml_parser*, const char*, apr_size_t, int);

I think the libxml2 impl needs fixing.

Best regards,


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