Checkout clean of any old target files? Same result run in an IDE? What about 
if you build the 1.3.5 sources (that code hasn't changed in a long time)?

I can't see what would cause this without stepping in with a debugger.

- Brett

On 12/09/2011, at 11:05 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Brett Porter <> wrote:
>> What's the surefire output say? It's ok here, and in several CI environments.
> The -output file is completely dull.
>> - Brett
>> On 12/09/2011, at 10:28 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:
>>> On my mac ... is this expected?
>>> Tests in error:
>>> testStoreConfigurationUser(org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ArchivaConfigurationTest):
>>> Configuration can not be saved when it is loaded from two sources
>>> Tests run: 37, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0
>> --
>> Brett Porter

Brett Porter

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