
I haven't had time to wade through all the UI changes yet, but in fixing the 
JDK 5 compatibility problem this morning, I saw that there is a class serving 
all the i18n resources over REST, which are then used in jquery.

I'm curious how this architecture works? My expectation would have been that 
there are no localized strings in the static content (HTML/JS), and that the 
REST calls would return localized content as requested. Where are the keyed 
requests coming from?

Also, how does this perform with caching and behave with allowing users to 
select the locale?

I did notice that the call generating it is potentially quite inefficient. 
There are 2 calls to convert properties to a string (one for redback, which has 
subcalls, one for archiva), which both converted back to properties, merged and 
then back to a string. I'd hope the resource bundles could just be loaded once 
(presuming they can be updated as may be needed in an OSGi scenario later).


Brett Porter

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