2012/12/21 Sascha Vogt <sascha.v...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Am 21.12.2012 07:52, schrieb Brett Porter:
>> [...]
>> We should probably talk about what is needed to call it 1.4 final after that 
>> and narrow the scope to that.
>> I'll look over the tickets you asked questions of me in over the next couple 
>> of days.
>> [...]
> I would love that :) We're desparately waiting for the 1.4 to become
> stable :D as it brings a lot of new features we'd like to use.
Ah the version naming :-)
Maybe this one can be last Mx and after that RC or final.
> I can also do more serious testing, if I know which parts are likely to
> stay or are still being worked on.
I will add some stuff on dynamic caching configuration (users and url
failures) and that's it (or not I don't know yet :-) )
To test builds are available here:
(war and bin.zip)
> Anyway, thanks everyone for the effort being put into Archiva!

Thanks to you for your early testing support !

> Greetings
> -Sascha-

Olivier Lamy
Talend: http://coders.talend.com
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