Bumping this one more time, and also copying this to the legal mailing
list. I'm not 100% sure that's the place for it, but perhaps someone there
might be able to help.


On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Ran Ziv <r...@gigaspaces.com> wrote:

> Bumping this as well.
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 5:08 PM, Ran Ziv <r...@gigaspaces.com> wrote:
>> Hi Suneel, John,
>> I have a few quick questions about creating a release for an incubator
>> project:
>> 1) According to these links: 1
>> <http://incubator.apache.org/guides/releasemanagement.html#podling-constraints>
>>  2
>> <http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Releases>
>> Incubating projects must have "Incubating" in the "final file name". I
>> might be missing something, but I assume the meaning is the final tarball
>> (source distribution) or wheel (binary distribution) file.
>> This is unconventional and not compatible with PyPI - and indeed it seems
>> like other Apache Incubator projects don't adhere to it (see Airflow
>> <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/apache-airflow>).
>> Am I missing something, or perhaps this is simply not relevant for Python
>> projects?
>> 2) According to this
>> <http://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html#licensing-documentation>,
>> LICENSE and NOTICE must be located in all release packages, including
>> binary distributions. I've looked much into this and I couldn't find a good
>> way of bundling these files inside the wheel format - except for manually
>> pushing them inside after creating the wheel perhaps.
>> The section speaks of a "customary location for licensing materials" -
>> However, for the wheel format there's no such "customary location".
>> I tried looking into what other Apache projects do about this, and indeed
>> the libcloud project doesn't have these files in their wheel package (also,
>> relating to my other mail with licensing questions - they also seem to be
>> using PyLint).
>> Is this acceptable for  ARIA as well, or should we manually place these
>> files inside the wheel package - Or perhaps there's a different way to do
>> this I have not found?
>> 3) What should be the project name on PyPI (when it goes up there)? Does
>> it have to be named "apache-ariatosca"? Can it be simply named "aria"?
>> It can often get confusing when projects are named one thing on PyPI and
>> yet the main package is named otherwise; Plus, it's simply more
>> straightforward to do "pip install aria" :)
>> I haven't seen any explicit rules about this, but I assumed it's better
>> to ask.
>> Thanks

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