Fyi... committership never expires in ASF, unless the committer chooses to
go Emeritus. So not sure if this discussion is needed.

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:23 PM, Thomas Nadeau <>

>         One action I took from the last grooming meeting was to
> investigate with the community, what process and policies we want to use
> around the retirement and/or removal of Committers on the project. As our
> mentors have told us before, the community here is empowered to decide the
> criteria for how people are voted as committers, and the implication is
> that the reverse is true too. However, after discussing this on our call
> this week, it doesn’t seem there is any criteria defined; therefore, I
> wanted to open up the discussion on this.
>         To start, The Apache PMC guide says this about removal of
> Committers/PMC members:
> [ <
> Projects can establish their own policy on handling inactive members, as
> long as it is applied consistently.
> It is not a problem to retain members of the PMC who have become inactive,
> and it can make it easier for them to stay in touch with the project if
> they choose to become active again.
> Typically, PMC members who are no longer able to participate will resign
> from the PMC. However, if a PMC chooses to remove one of its members (i.e.
> without that member's consent), then it must request the Board to make that
> decision (which is typically done with a resolution at the Board's next
> meeting). The PMC chair should send and email to the board@ mailing list
> detailing the request for removal and the justification the PMC has for
> that removal, and cc: the project's private@ list.
>         So with that in mind, it looks like we need to augment the
> guidelines Tal started on the wiki [
> confluence/display/ARIATOSCA/Becoming+a+Committer <
> to include removal/retirement/inactive PMC/committers.
> To get the ball rolling, I wanted to make some suggestions for
> (de)selection criteria that I’ve used in other OSS projects:
>         Open Daylight uses this process:
> <
>         OPNFV uses this:
> <
>         Basically the process everyone basically uses allows a current
> committer to elect to step down and there is a simple, straight-forward
> process for this.
> In other cases its a little more than the obvious: if someone isn’t
> contributing to the project for an obviously prolonged time and hasn’t
> verified they’re on a leave of absence or something, then they are simply
> notified with some notice to respond after which they are removed.   All of
> the examples also have solutions to more dire situations, but I’ve
> literally never seen that happen in any project I’ve worked on in like 6
> years.
>         I’d like to propose a simple copy/paste of the OPNFV rules which
> seem to cover what is needed except for obviously changing the mailing
> list/TSC contacts.  We need to change “TSC” to “AriaTosca PPMC”.  There are
> things to clean up in there too like references to IRC - Apache requires
> everything to be on the dev mailer officially.
>         —Tom

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