Currently we have quite severe problems with our jenkins builds.

The Aries - Deploy build failed since November because I added a module that required JDK 7 and did not adjust the build. I did this now so our deploy works again. Still it is quite sad that neither me nor anyone else seemed to have noticed or cared in the mean time.

The AriesWithSnapshotDependencies build does not work since ages. I reported the problem several times on the list. Unfortunately I have no idea how to fix this build. So unless someone can fix it I propose we deactivate this build as it currently does not help us.

As the deploy build does not run any tests this means we have no automatic testing at the moment. I just created a new Build Aries - Trunk - JDK17 named like the builds in CXF. This build simply runs a normal maven build with tests. So we at least should get some test results again.



Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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