
I would like to offer to contribute MongoDB based implementation to event 
journal sub project [1]

A bit of myself:

My name is Alexei Krainiouk and I’ve been developer at Adobe for over 10 years, 
based in San Francisco, Bay Area.

Recently I joined the team that works on cloud development of Adobe Experience 
Manager. Currently working together with Timothee Maret and Christian Schneider 
on AEM content publishing.

As Timothee described earlier in this forum we have Kafka based implementation 
of content publishing that he already offered to contribute.
I am working on the MongoDB implementation and it would make sense to have it 
as an alternative back end for journaled event API as well.

Please let me know if this would be useful/interesting. 


[1] https://github.com/apache/aries-journaled-events

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