hey Phillip,

Replying so we have a record on the mailing list about this. For the
user's use case, it seems that having reasonable null support for
decimals incoming from Python would be sufficient.

I agree it's probably not worth supporting NaN decimals in the Arrow
format for now given the sporadic support across the ecosystem.

- Wes

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 8:50 PM, Phillip Cloud <cpcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recently someone opened ARROW-2145
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/ARROW/issues/ARROW-2145> asking
> for support for non-finite values, such as NaN and infinity.
> It may seem like a “no-brainer” to implement this, but there’s no real
> consistency on how to implement it or *even to implement it at all*:
>    - Java BigDecimal: raises an exception for nan or inf as per the docs
> <https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/math/BigDecimal.html#BigDecimal-double->
>    - boost multiprecision supports it but not for fixed precision decimal
>    numbers (cpp_bin_float/cpp_dec_float, which are arbitrary precision
>    floating point not fixed point)
>    - python supports it using flags and special string exponents (and it
>    supports both signaling and quiet nans)
>    - impala doesn’t support it (returns null when you try to perform
>    - postgres supports it with its numeric
>    <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/datatype-numeric.html> type
>    by using the sign member of the C struct backing numeric values
> <https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/c7b8998ebbf310a156aa38022555a24d98fdbfb4/src/interfaces/ecpg/include/pgtypes_numeric.h#L16-L25>
>    - MySQL: doesn’t even support nan/inf!
> The lack of support for these values across languages likely stems from the
> fact that fixed precision arithmetic by definition must happen on finite
> values, and nan/inf are not finite values therefore they are not supported.
> We could go down this rabbit hole in the name of providing support for
> Python decimal.Decimal(<non-finite value>) but I’m not sure how useful it
> is.
> No other system except in-memory C++ arrow arrays would be able to operate
> on these values (I suppose we could add a wrapper around BigDecimal that
> has the desired behavior).
> For example, writing arrow arrays containing Decimal128 values (with nans
> or infs) to a parquet file seems untenable.
> Additionally, if we decided to implement it, we’d likely have to take
> something like the flag approach which would require a change to the
> metadata (not necessary a bad thing) that would add two bitmaps to arrow
> Decimal arrays: one for indicating nan-ness and one for indicating inf-ness
> (that’s a ton of overhead IMO when I think it’s likely that most values are
> always finite).
> I’m skeptical about whether we should support this.
> Thoughts?

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