Notes from yesterdays sync call:

Uwe suggested adding in checks for the C++ ABI to detect breaking changes. Discussed adding this to a CI build job daily.

Wes asked if certain C++ symbols could be marked experimental when performing the C++ ABI checks.

Uwe also mentioned the potential of using PIMPLs to hide pointers and implementation to prevent future C++ ABI breakage. He mentioned Parquet C++ has a similar setup.

Discussion around having all build artifacts and testing ready for automation in relationship to the release of 0.10.0

Wes mentioned that the C++ and Java implementation threads around Unions has gone stale, but should be completed before the 1.0 release.

It was mentioned that integration test should cover schema and field metadata.

Discussion around upcoming Man AHL hackathon and PyCon sprints.

 * JIRA tickets have been updated by Uwe with extra details and notes
 * Some tickets have been marked with beginner tags
 * Suggested to use conda to make the environment setup/build process
   easier for new contributors
 * Pandas extension series mentioned as a potentially good
   hackathon/sprint topic

Mention of revisiting Arrow roadmap discussions to potentially break the roadmap into smaller JIRA tickets for contributors.

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