Sorry just realised SVG doesn't work.

PNG of the pprof can be found here:

Daniel Harper

On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 at 21:07, Daniel Harper <> wrote:

> Wasn't sure where the best place to discuss this, but I've noticed that
> when running the following piece of code
> On a CSV files that contains roughly 1 million records (about 100mb of
> data), the memory usage of the process leaps to about 9.1GB
> The records look something like this
> "2018-08-27T20:00:00Z","cdnA","dash","audio","http","programme-1","3577","2018","08","27","2018-08-27","live"
> "2018-08-27T20:00:01Z","cdnB","hls","video","https","programme-2","14","2018","08","27","2018-08-27","ondemand"
> I've attached a pprof output of the process.
> From the looks of it the heavy use of _strings_ might be where most of the
> memory is going.
> Is this expected? I'm new to the code, happy to help where possible!
> Daniel Harper

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