
GObject Plasma bindings mentioned by Philipp is the official
C bindings for Plasma (Plasma GLib):


Ruby bindings use it. So we'll maintain and improve it.

There were examples to generate Go bindings for Arrow from
Arrow GLib automatically:


I removed it because we started native Go bindings. The same
mechanism can be used for Plasma but I don't think we should
use it.

We'll be able to implement Go bindings with cgo and Plasma
GLib. I think that Go bindings for Plasma shouldn't export
GLib related API when we use Plasma GLib.

I can help when we use Plasma GLib.


In <CAOzUVQVzu=P7E7+J43A9REK_=iL7Mk_dDrJMvK_rwFAZ6Ex=3...@mail.gmail.com>
  "Re: plan for Go implementation of Plasma" on Wed, 19 Dec 2018 17:23:58 -0500,
  Dustin Long <dust...@qri.io> wrote:

> Neat! Thank you for the suggestions, I'll take a look into these other
> approaches. Sticking with cgo does sound promising; I had dismissed it due
> to needing to maintain a C interface, but if there's already some bindings
> that might become official, that negates that issue.
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 3:26 PM Philipp Moritz <pcmor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Dustin,
>> Thanks for getting in touch! Here are two additional ways to do it:
>> 5. Native go client library: If Go has support to ship file descriptors
>> over unix domain sockets (which I think it has, see
>> https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/blob/master/libcontainer/utils/cmsg.go
>> )
>> and interact with memory mapped files it might also be possible to make a
>> version of
>> https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/master/cpp/src/plasma/client.cc that
>> is native go. The advantage is that it wouldn't need any additional
>> compilation steps on the go side, the disadvantage is that it would need to
>> be updated if the plasma client internals change (like they did recently
>> with the removal of the release buffer).
>> 6. GObject wrapper: Possibly one could use the GObject plasma bindings
>> that kou and his team are managing to build a wrapper (not sure how
>> feasible that is or if there is a mature GObject go implementation).
>> I would encourage you to start by writing write down the ideal Go API for
>> the client and then see how it can be implemented after that (to make sure
>> the API, which is the most important piece, is not influenced by the
>> implementation choice).
>> Then, going the cgo route seems the most promising for me since that's I
>> think the route that most go code interfaces with native libraries. There
>> are some C bindings that have been written:
>> https://github.com/plures/pxnd/tree/master/libplasma. If they are useful
>> to
>> you, we can make a plan to integrate them into the repo.
>> Best,
>> Philipp.
>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 12:04 PM Dustin Long <dust...@qri.io> wrote:
>> > Hi all!
>> >
>> > I am a developer on qri <https://qri.io/>, a data-science tool built on
>> > IPFS written in go. We're interested in integrating Arrow and especially
>> > Plasma, in order to be able to share datasets with other apps like
>> Jupyter
>> > Notebook. Having this functionality is going to be key for how we plan to
>> > integrate with existing frameworks.
>> >
>> > I've been investigating possible approaches for how to use Plasma in our
>> > codecase. I realize that Plasma is still a work in progress, and doesn't
>> > have stable API yet, but we're also a ways off from being ready to fully
>> > integrate it on our side. Just figured it would be good to start this
>> > conversation early in order to plan ahead for how development should
>> > proceed.
>> >
>> > So, the prototypes I've been hacking on have revealed a few choices of
>> how
>> > to make our golang codebase call Plasma's C++, and I wanted to see what
>> the
>> > Plasma devs think about these approaches or if they have any preference
>> for
>> > how the go bindings should be behave.
>> >
>> > Here are the options in order of what seems to be least to most usable:
>> >
>> > 1. cgo
>> >   Use go's builtin cgo facility to call the Plasma C++ implementation.
>> cgo
>> > is relatively easy to use, however it only can call C functions. So this
>> > would require writing and maintaining a pure C language wrapper around
>> the
>> > C++ functionality we want to expose. A lot would be lost in translation
>> and
>> > the resulting go code would look nothing like the original library.
>> >
>> > 2. dlopen
>> >   Install Plasma as a library on the user's system, then load the library
>> > at run-time, looking up function calls and data structures as needed.
>> > Removes the need for a static dependency, but still requires a lot of
>> shim
>> > code to be written to load the shared library calls. C++'s name mangling
>> > gets in the way a lot.
>> >
>> > 3. Swig
>> >   Wrap a swig interface file that exposes whatever functionality we want
>> to
>> > golang. The standard go tool has builtin swig support, which knows when
>> to
>> > invoke the swig generator, in order to create go bindings that resemble
>> the
>> > C++ original. The build process is relatively uninterrupted.
>> >
>> > I noticed there doesn't seem to be any swig in use currently in the arrow
>> > codebase, which made me think there might have been a reason that it has
>> > been avoided for other languages. I'm interested to hear any thoughts, or
>> > see if there are other suggestions on how to proceed?
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Dustin
>> >

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