
I want to restart/attach to the discussions for creating Arrow benchmarking 
dashboard. I want to propose performance benchmark run per commit to track the 
The proposal includes building infrastructure for per-commit tracking 
comprising of the following parts:
- Hosted JetBrains for OSS https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/ as a build system 
- Agents running in cloud both VM/container (DigitalOcean, or others) and 
bare-metal (Packet.net/AWS) and on-premise(Nvidia boxes?)
- JFrog artifactory storage and management for OSS projects 
- Codespeed as a frontend https://github.com/tobami/codespeed 

I am volunteering to build such system (if needed more Intel folks will be 
involved) so we can start tracking performance on various platforms and 
understand how changes affect it.

Please, let me know your thoughts!


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