Notes from Today's Sync Call:

# Attendees
- Wes McKinney (Ursa Labs)
- Jacque Nadeau - Dremio
- Ben Keitzman (Ursa Labs)
- Uwe Korn
- Praveen Kumar - Dremio
- Francois Saint-Jacques
- Hatem Helal (MathWorks)
- Nick Haddad (MathWorks)

# Agenda Items
- Qualify MATLAB code in Arrow Travis CI 
    - Wes:  In principal its not on the list.  If it is only editing the 
    - asf-infra is the way to do the signing of the paperwork.  We aren't able 
to deals with this on behalf of the 
    - Jacques:  If it is commercial Apache might not want it.
    - Wes: I had inquired about getting several MATLAB licenses.
        - Nick: will follow-up after about getting these
- Jacques and Uwe: and Wes Press Release for 3 year anniversary
    - Jacques:  I'm happy to sketch something out and send this around.,
        - Want to do a very high outline of community contributions, bindings, 
and integrations into other projects along with supporting quotes from people 
in the community and the industry.  
        - Open to any feedback and ideas.
    - Wes:  Notable that the project started out with a small focus on 
designing an open standard for structured data and 3 years later the project is 
significantly broader than that.  Themes:
        - Open standard has been accepted and is widely adopted
        - Project has grown in many directions.
        - 9 code donations into the project.  Notable among apache projects.
    - Wes:  Any download or usage numbers would be useful
        - Jacques:  Estimates are around a million downloads a month.
        - Wes:  Notable as the python library is being taken on as a dependency 
on other projects. Recently saw that Apache Beam  is taking this as a 
dependency.  Things like this are driving install numbers.
        - Jacques:  This to me is a continuing sign of success.  
        - Uwe: I can spend an hour or two.  I can contribute 1 or 2 sections.   
 We can also add the images from the different engines we support (Spark, etc). 
- Wes: Things in flight right now and talk about the 0.13 release
    - About halfway through issues around 0.13.  
    - 0.13 Window for patches will close by mid-March,  5 weeks from now.  
    - If there is anything you definitely want in the release add the fix 
version on Jira.  
- Arrow Flight
    - Work has picked up on Arrow Flight.  Will be working on building this 
out.  Would be helpful to get feedback on potential users for flight.  This is 
a general purpose messaging system.  Uses GRPC but could use other mechanisms 
like RDMA.  For anyone who is building database protocols or making data 
available with any kind of a data service should give feedback.
    - With Flight and Gandiva,  the addition of these to the project are adding 
to the wheel.  
        - Wes:  How big are the linux wheels for these with Gandiva?  25MB?  
        - Uwe:  The normal wheels are 30MB so with Gandiva it would be at least 
10MB more.  
        - Wes:  Will look into the size of the flight library.  
        - Wes: Should we produce multiple wheel for multiple uses?
            - Uwe:  Yes that is a good idea.
    - Wes: This comes at a good time because GRPC is gaining rapid adoption.  
        - Jacques:  You can think of this as a replacement for JDBC and ODBC
            - If ReST is the way to communicate between micro services, then 
Flight is the way to communicate between data micro services.
            - Also gives you parallel streaming.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wes McKinney <> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 12:44 PM
Subject: Arrow sync call Wednesday 17:00 UTC / 12p US-Eastern

As usual we will meet at

If anyone would like to be added to the recurring calendar invite, please let 
me know and I'll add you

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