Hello John,

as with most things concering the *Value classes: Missing implementations are 
simply "not-done-yet" and not explicit omissions. The value instances have not 
yet seen that much use and therefore lack a lot of functionality. Feel free to 
add this to them.


On Sat, May 25, 2019, at 6:01 AM, John Muehlhausen wrote:
> We have __eq__ leaning on as_py() already ... any reason not to have __lt__
> ?
> This makes it possible to use bisect to find slices in ordered data without
> a __getitem__ wrapper:
> 1176.0      key=pa.array(['AAPL'])
>  110.0      print(bisect.bisect_left(batch[3],key[0]))
>   64.0      print(bisect.bisect_right(batch[3],key[0]))
> Although, I'm not sure why pa.array() is relatively slow (above in mics)
> and whether I can directly construct an individual Value instead?  batch[3]
> is string type with length 32291182 (memory mapped from IPC File)... AAPL
> being slice 206424 to 420255 in this case.
> Proposed addition:
>     def __eq__(self, other):
>         if hasattr(self, 'as_py'):
>             if isinstance(other, ArrayValue):
>                 other = other.as_py()
>             return self.as_py() == other
>         else:
>             raise NotImplementedError(
>                 "Cannot compare Arrow values that don't support as_py()")
> *    def __lt__(self, other):*
> *        if hasattr(self, 'as_py'):*
> *            if isinstance(other, ArrayValue):*
> *                other = other.as_py()*
> *            return self.as_py() < other*
> *        else:*
> *            raise NotImplementedError(*
> *                "Cannot compare Arrow values that don't support as_py()")*

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