hi folks,

As a reminder, particularly since we have many new community members
(some of whom have never been involved with an ASF project before),
releases are approved exclusively by the PMC and in general releases
cannot be vetoed. In spite of that, we strive to make releases that
have unanimous (either by explicit +1 or lazy consent) support of the
PMC. So it is better to have unanimous 5 +1 votes than 6 +1 votes with
a -1 dissenting vote.

On the 0.14.0 vote, as with previous release votes, some issues with
the release were raised by members of the community, whether build or
test-related problems or other failures. Technically speaking, such
issues have no _direct_ bearing on whether a release vote passes, only
on whether PMC members vote +1, 0, or -1. A PMC member is allowed to
change their vote based on new information -- for example, if I voted
+1 on a release and then someone reported a serious licensing issue,
then I would revise my vote to -1.

On the RC0 vote thread, Jacques wrote [1]

"A release vote should last until we arrive at consensus. When an
issue is potentially identified, those that have voted should be given
ample time to change their vote and others that may have been lazy
consenters should be given time to chime in. There is no maximum
amount of time a vote can be open. Allowing at least 24 hours after an
objection is raised is a pretty minimum expectation unless the
objector removes their objection.

Note that Apache is more focused on consensus than timing (as opposed to
virtually other other organizations in the world)."

I agree with this and my opinion is that in future releases we should
institute a minimum 24-hour "quiet period" after any community
feedback on a release candidate to allow issues to be examined
further. If someone finds a potential problem, and no negative votes
are cast or changed, then the vote can close.

As a related matter, it seems clear to me that Apache Arrow should
have more frequent releases. I think this would decrease pressure on
developers and users alike. While we've made strides to improve the
tooling for release management (big thanks to Kou, Yosuke, Krisztian,
and others), there is still quite some labor involved and potential
for issues (e.g. API rate limiting for binary artifacts on Bintray).

To be able to release more often, two things have to happen:

* More PMC members must engage with the release management role,
process, and tools
* Continued improvements to release tooling to make the process less
painful for the release manager. For example, it seems we may want to
find a different place than Bintray to host binary artifacts
temporarily during release votes

Any other ideas for things we can do to improve the process and
cadence of releases?



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