Same as Uwe.



Le 11/07/2019 à 14:05, Uwe L. Korn a écrit :
> Hello Liya,
> I'm quite -1 on this type as Arrow is about efficient columnar structures. We 
> have opened the standard also to matrix-like types but always keep the 
> constraint of consecutive memory. Now also adding types where memory is no 
> longer consecutive but spread in the heap will make the scope of the project 
> much wider (It seems that we then just turn into a general serialization 
> framework).
> One of the ideas of a common standard is that some need to make compromises. 
> I think in this case it is a necessary compromise to not allow all kind of 
> string representations.
> Uwe
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019, at 6:01 AM, Fan Liya wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We are thinking of providing varchar/varbinary vectors with a different
>> memory layout which exists in a wide range of systems. The memory layout is
>> different from that of VarCharVector in the following ways:
>>    1.
>>    Instead of storing (start offset, end offset), the new layout stores
>>    (start offset, length)
>>    2.
>>    The content of varchars may not be in a consecutive memory region.
>>    Instead, it can be in arbitrary memory address.
>> Due to these differences in memory layout, it incurs performance overhead
>> when converting data between existing systems and VarCharVectors.
>> The above difference 1 seems insignificant, while difference 2 is difficult
>> to overcome. However, the scenario of difference 2 is prevalent in
>> practice: for example we store strings in a series of memory segments.
>> Whenever a segment is full, we request a new one. However, these memory
>> segments may not be consecutive, because other processes/threads are also
>> requesting/releasing memory segments in the meantime.
>> So we are wondering if it is possible to support such memory layout in
>> Arrow. I think there are more systems that are trying to adopting Arrow,
>> but are hindered by such difficulty.
>> Would you please give your valuable feedback?
>> Best,
>> Liya Fan

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