My apologies if this is already covered in the docs, but I couldn't find it.

How do I re-run a single leg in the Ursabot tests? The 'AMD64 Debian 9 Rust 
1.35' failed on my PR, and I wanted to try re-running just that leg, but the 
only option I found was to re-run all Ursabot legs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Krisztián Szűcs <> 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 9:48 AM
Subject: New CI system: Ursabot

Hello All,

We're developing a buildbot application to utilize Ursa Labs’
physical machines called Ursabot. Buildbot [1] is used by major open source 
projects, like CPython and WebKit [2].

The source code is hosted at [3], the web interface is accessible at [4]. The 
repository contains a short guide about the goals, implementation and the 
interfaces we can drive ursabot. The most notable way to trigger ursabot builds 
is via sending github comments mentioning @ursabot machine account, for more 
see [5].

Currently we have builders for the C++ implementation and the Python bindings 
on AMD64 and ARM64 architectures.
It is quite easy to attach workers to the buildmaster [7], so We can scale our 
build cluster to test and run on-demand builds (like benchmarks, packaging 
tasks) on more platforms.

Yesterday we've enabled the github status push reporter to improve the 
visibility of ursabot, although we were testing the builders in the last couple 
of weeks. I hope no one has a hard objection against this new CI. Arrow has 
already started to outgrow Travis-CI and Appveyor's capacity and we're trying 
to make the build system quicker and more robust.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions!

Thanks, Krisztian


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