Le 08/08/2019 à 16:12, Krisztián Szűcs a écrit :
> Hi All!
> Ursabot now supports debugging failed builds with attach attaching
> shells to the still builds right after a failing build step:
> $ ursabot project build --attach-on-failure `AMD64 Conda C++`
> And local source/git directories can also be mounted to the builder
> instead of cloning arrow, this makes the debugging a lot easier:
> $ ursabot project build -s ~/Workspace/arrow:. 'AMD64 Conda C++'
> Mount destination `.` is relative to the build directory on the workers.
> The CI configuration for arrow is available here:
> https://github.com/ursa-labs/ursabot/tree/master/projects/arrow

As I've already said: most build configuration should *not* be in the
buildmaster configuration.  Otherwise this forces a unique build
configuration (for all branches, for all PRs) and this also forces to
restart the buildmaster when changing the build configuration (which is
not a good idea).

Compare with Travis-CI or other services:
- the CI configuration and scripts are local to the Arrow repository
- each PR or branch can change the CI configuration without impacting
other builds
- one can change the CI configuration without having to restart a global
daemon or service



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