What situation are anticipating where you're going to be restating ids mid

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 12:13 AM Micah Kornfield <emkornfi...@gmail.com>

> The IPC specification [1] defines behavior when isDelta on a
> DictionaryBatch [2] is "true".  I might have missed it in the
> specification, but I couldn't find the interpretation for what the expected
> behavior is when isDelta=false and and two  dictionary batches  with the
> same ID are sent.
> It seems like there are two options:
> 1.  Interpret the new dictionary batch as replacing the old one.
> 2.  Regard this as an error condition.
> Based on the fact that in the "file format" dictionaries are allowed to be
> placed in any order relative to the record batches, I assume it is the
> second, but just wanted to make sure.
> Thanks,
> Micah
> [1] https://arrow.apache.org/docs/ipc.html
> [2] https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/master/format/Message.fbs#L72

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