Coming back to this older thread, I have opened a PR with a proof of
concept of the proposed protocol to convert third-party array objects to
In the tests, I added the protocol to pandas' nullable integer array (which
is currently not supported in the from_pandas conversion) and this converts
now nicely without much changes.

Are there remaining concerns about such a protocol?


Note that the protocol is only for pandas -> arrow conversion (or other
array-like objects -> arrow). The other way around (arrow -> pandas) is
more complex and needs further discussion, and also involves the Arrow
ExtensionTypes (as mentioned below by Wes).
But I think the protocol will be useful in any case, and we can go ahead
with that already (for example, not all pandas ExtensionArrays will need to
map to a Arrow ExtensionType, eg the nullable integers simply map to
arrow's int64 or fletcher's ExtensionArrays which just wrap a arrow array).
That said, I have been working on the arrow ExtensionTypes the last days,
and have been keeping an overview of the issues and needed work in this
google document:
(feel free to comment on it). There is also an initial PR to extend the
support for defining ExtensionTypes in Python (ARROW-5610


On Fri, 17 May 2019 at 00:28, Wes McKinney <> wrote:

> hi Joris,
> Somewhat related to this, I want to also point out that we have C++
> extension types [1]. As part of this, it would also be good to define
> and document a public API for users to create ExtensionArray
> subclasses that can be serialized and deserialized using this
> machinery.
> As a motivating example, suppose that a Java application has a special
> data type that can be serialized as a Binary value in Arrow, and we
> want to be able to receive this special object as a pandas
> ExtensionArray column, which unboxing into a Python user space type.
> The ExtensionType can be implemented in Java, and then on the Python
> side the implementation can occur either in C++ or Python. An API will
> need to be defined to serializer functions for the pandas
> ExtensionArray to map the pandas-space type onto the the Arrow-space
> type. Does this seem like a project you might be able to help drive
> forward? As a matter of sequencing, we do not yet have the capability
> to interact with C++ ExtensionType in Python, so we might need to
> first create callback machinery to enable Arrow extension types to be
> defined in Python (that call into the C++ ExtensionType registry)
> - Wes
> [1]:
> On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 2:11 AM Joris Van den Bossche
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Op do 9 mei 2019 om 21:38 schreef Uwe L. Korn <>:
> >
> > > +1 to the idea of adding a protocol to let other objects define their
> way
> > > to Arrow structures. For pandas.Series I would expect that they return
> an
> > > Arrow Column.
> > >
> > > For the Arrow->pandas conversion I have a bit mixed feelings. In the
> > > normal Fletcher case I would expect that we don't convert anything as
> we
> > > represent anything from Arrow with it.
> >
> >
> > Yes, you don't want to convert anything (apart from wrapping the arrow
> > array into a FletcherArray). But how does Table.to_pandas know that?
> > Maybe it doesn't need to know that. And then you might write a function
> in
> > fletcher to convert a pyarrow Table to a pandas DataFrame with
> > fletcher-backed columns. But if you want to have this roundtrip
> > automatically, without the need that each project that defines an
> > ExtensionArray and wants to interact with arrow (eg in GeoPandas as well)
> > needs to have his own "arrow-table-to-pandas-dataframe" converter,
> pyarrow
> > needs to have some notion of how to convert back to a pandas
> ExtensionArray.
> >
> >
> > > For the case where we want to restore the exact pandas DataFrame we had
> > > before this will become a bit more complicated as we either would need
> to
> > > have all third-party libraries to support Arrow via a hook as proposed
> or
> > > we also define some kind of other protocol on the pandas side to
> > > reconstruct ExtensionArrays from Arrow data.
> > >
> >
> > That last one is basically what I proposed in
> >
> >
> > Thanks Antoine and Uwe for the discussion!
> >
> > Joris

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