I'm a bit confused by the error message

 Error in write_parquet_file(to_arrow(table), file) :
   Arrow error: IOError: Metadata contains Thrift LogicalType that is
   not recognized.

This error comes from


This function should not be called at all during the execution of

Daniel, is it possible you changed the C++ library installed after
building the "arrow" R package? The R package must generally be
recompiled when the C++ library is upgraded

On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 4:29 PM Daniel Feenberg <feenb...@nber.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Sep 2019, Neal Richardson wrote:
> > Hi Daniel,
> > This works on my machine:
> >
> >> library(arrow)
> >> write_parquet(data.frame(y = c("a", "b", "c"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), 
> >> file= "string.parquet")
> >> read_parquet("string.parquet")
> >  y
> > 1 a
> > 2 b
> > 3 c
> >>
> >
> > (The function masking warnings are all from library(tidyverse) and
> > aren't relevant here.)
> >
> > What OS are you on, and how did you install the arrow package? I'm on
> > macOS and installed arrow from CRAN, but if that's not the case for
> > you, then your C++ library may have different capabilities.
> Here are the details of our installation:
> 1) OS:
> ------
> Scientific Linux 7
> uname: Linux 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Nov 26 12:36:06 CST 2018 
> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> 2) gcc version:
> ----------------
> # gcc --version
> gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36)
> 3) arrow and parquet library installation:
> ------------------------------------------
> yum install arrow-devel parquet-devel
> versions:
> arrow-devel: yum info arrow-devel
> Installed Packages
> Name        : arrow-devel
> Arch        : x86_64
> Version     : 0.14.1
> Release     : 1.el7
> Size        : 20 M
> Repo        : installed
> From repo   : apache-arrow
> Summary     : Libraries and header files for Apache Arrow C++
> URL         : https://arrow.apache.org/
> License     : Apache-2.0
> Description : Libraries and header files for Apache Arrow C++.
> yum info parquet-devel
> Installed Packages
> Name        : parquet-devel
> Arch        : x86_64
> Version     : 0.14.1
> Release     : 1.el7
> Size        : 6.4 M
> Repo        : installed
> >From repo   : apache-arrow
> Summary     : Libraries and header files for Apache Parquet C++
> URL         : https://arrow.apache.org/
> License     : Apache-2.0
> Description : Libraries and header files for Apache Parquet C++.
> 4) R arrow installation:
> --------------------------
> install.packages("arrow")
> and also
> install.packages("sparklyr")
> Thanks for taking an interest.
> Daniel Feenberg

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